Tuesday 15 March 2022

How to Read the Bible: A five session online course to accompany the book How To Eat Bread: 21 Nourishing Ways to Read the Bible


I'm absolutely delighted to have written this book over lockdown, with the help of the fabulous people from St Bride's and around the country who joined me online to read and study to the Bible together. 

It seemed to me that there was no book out there that set out, in an accessible way, the riches of all the many strands of Bible reading in the Christian tradition. What could you give to someone who asked you why they should bother reading the Bible - or who said that they didn't think liberals believed in the Bible?

I hope this book is the answer!

Several people have asked for a Lent course based on it, and so I'm uploading 5 videos to our church YouTube channel over Lent. These are all based on the first section of the book which looks at ways that the Bible itself uses other bits of the Bible. Maybe I'll do another section next year!

The videos are each about 20-25 minutes long and are uploaded at the beginning of each week. Feel free to use them either for your own personal study, or to share them in a group setting - you don't need to ask permission to stream them or use them in a church or group.

You can find the playlist here - subscribe to it to get notified when the next video is uploaded!

And you can buy the book from the bookshop of your choice or via the links here on the publishers page.